Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I finally got hanging to be successful! I'm so proud.

The three images above are of a frame that my prints will hang from. It feels like it took a long time and alot of people to help figure out how to get the bracket system on the back to be a manageable task. I'm thrilled with the result. Smooth sailin' from here, baby. Hopefully.

The larger print collages are going to be hung like the one above. The size of this one almost seems like a towel hanging down, but I think that's just the composition of the prints. But I'm happy with this one as well. Durant taught me how to use a drill press last night. New favorite thing! So yeah, I'm getting excited.

My oral defense date has been confirmed and things are going smoothly. Its kinda nice.

And one for the homies!

1 comment:

john y said...

In the north we know homies are the most reliable,helpful, dedicated and will help hang anything on the walls. Your show looked.............GREAT. Congradulations