Monday, April 28, 2008

MFA Show - Melissa Lee, Printmaker

Well.. I'M DONE, I'M DONE, I'M DONE!!! wahoo.
The show was up for two weeks, and now its down, and the paper is finished being written. It is the nicest feeling in the world. its a humbling experience. I'm amazed that I have an MFA and I'm so proud of my show. I think it turned out fantastic! Its exciting.
Good luck to everyone next year!


Micah is psyched about his orals

2 down 1 to go

Our fabulous Printmaking grads are graduating this year. Thus far, Melissa J. Lee and Vitus R. Shell have passed their oral defenses and celebrated this victory with opening receptions for their Thesis Shows. This week, Micah Craven will follow suit...

Congratulations Printmakers!
We thank you for your leadership and support and wish you all the best.